‘My Love’

The kiss came out of nowhere. One minute she was on the opposite side of the furnished sitting room, deeply engrossed in this enormous novel, the next she was walking towards him, her eyes locked to his, the passion reeking out of her, filling the whole room with a feeling he had never felt, but one that he felt he had missed…

He was sure that it only took a few seconds to walk across the room, but he must have been playing that moment in his head slow motion. She was not the most beautiful woman in the world, not at least in the classical way. She had stopped growing at 5’1, well, vertically at least… She had put on a few pounds in the few years he had know her… She had no piercings, he had never seen her in any make up. She was a little darker than anyone he had ever had a crush on… A dark shade of Sienna, that turned to a lighter Chesnutt hue whenever she was angry, or excited. She was the polar opposite of what he thought his type was, yet to him she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He sat there motionless, not knowing if it was because of the fear or the excitement. She leaned in and knelt by the coach, his legs between hers… “We are so going to regret this,” she whispered softly, placing her forehead on to his. Her lips, brushed his… Not in a careless opportunistic way, but in a methodical, planned and deliberate fashion, like she knew exactly which buttons she had to press to ignite the fiery passion that he thought had been dead for years.

He never acts erratically, never takes risks, especially in his sexual life, but as he felt her tongue snaking past his lips, he knew that the clenched teeth were not enough resistance, and sooner or later, he was going to let her probing gland have its way. He opened up to her, opening his mouth, and himself, to her, kissing her like he had always wanted to from when they first met.

They pause, almost like they had rehearsed it, taking deep choreographed deep breaths, as they had sucked the air out of each other’ s lungs… “This is so wrong…” he blurted between his gasping for oxygen. “This is the most right thing I have ever done,” she replied as she dove back to his mouth, sucking the replenished air right out of him.

The phone on the table buzzed to life, a few seconds before John Legend’s ‘All of Me’ filled the previously hushed room, ‘My Love’ boldly displayed on the device’s lighten up screen.


“I have to take this…” he said as he said, pulling up his trousers that had somehow gotten to his knees… She sat there for a while, looking on as he tucked his shirt, phone between his shoulder blade and his awkwardly placed ear… ‘The dude was a cheating SOB, but he always put his wife first…’ she thought. She wanted that… She had never been first for anyone all her life… Maybe because she preferred dating mature, older married men. Well, she would have to stop that.

She picked her phone, went through her contacts, stopped at Marcus and hit dial.

“Hey darling… I have missed you,” she lied.

“Your wife is still out of town?”

“Thank heavens. I am coming over!”

She had to stop dating married men, but she was young and had all the time in the world to find a guy to ‘put her first’.


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